This past Thursday was Peanut’s first day at her new school.
We prepped her as much as we could; telling her that she was going to big girl school now where she was going to meet and make new friends, and so forth.
She was excited, until we walked into the building and into her classroom.
The crying started along with “I don’t want to stay here.” Luckily, we didn’t get into full tantrum mode. (Yes, she was the ONLY CHILD CRYING!) After a few minutes, she calmed down and we wished her a good day and that we would see her later.
Granted, the picture was taken in the afternoon when we picked her up, so she was pretty happy. She showed us around her new classroom, what she did, where her cubby was, and so on.
That night, she kept asking if she was going back. “Yes,” I replied. Then she tells me that she likes her teacher. This made The Husband and I hopeful for the next day.
Today’s drop-off went worse than yesterday. First, she started to flip out because I wasn’t going to drop her off. Thankfully, she was able to calm down before she left the house. But, as it was told to me, she flipped out again when she got to school, crying, saying she didn’t want to stay there. She managed to calm down again, only to start up when The Husband left to go work, leaving her there, crying.
I sure as hell hope this doesn’t last very long.