Random bits of life

So, as a supportive wife, I check in with my husband’s blog as the number of unread posts are piling up in Google Reader.

I’m scrolling through…techie stuff….blah, blah…iPhone…blah, blah…Guitar Hero…blah, blah…more iPhone…blah, blah

Then I get to his most recent post,

Air Media for iPhone! All your base are belong to us

Um, okay. I’m really bothered by it. Really bothered. The grammar is horrendous…what the eff is he trying to say? And before I could IM him and tell him that he needed to change it (god forbid anyone think he can’t write/speak English), I had to run off to a barrage of meetings.

(For some odd reason, I held back from commenting on the blog, or mentioning something on FB.)

Hours later, as we’re sitting down to dinner, I think it was, he asked me what I thought about his most recent post. “Honestly, what the eff is up with your grammar? It’s been bothering me all day.” S seemed to take great joy in this. He knew as he was typing in the post title in the wee hours of the morning that I was going to have something to say. “You’re obviously not a geek or gamer.” Well, thank goodness for that! He then goes on to explain that the line is from a Japanese video game that was translated into English (they obviously didn’t have the money to validate the end product).

Still…it bothers me when I see it.

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