Random bits of life

I like the way the Brits refer to rewards cards better.

But, you know what I’m talking about, those pieces of plastic that start to accumulate either in your wallet, or in my case, on my key chain. I just realized that I’ve got more “club cards” than I do keys!

Sloat Garden Center – for all your gardening needs (indoor and out)

PetSmart Perks – only signed up to get $10 knocked off a pricey grooming brush that I now LOVE!

YogaSource – should probably remove this as I haven’t been in over a year – the studio is small and has absolutely no ventilation so any yoga class ends up being a crazy hot yoga class. I can’t imagine what their Bikram class would be like.

Borders – only when I can’t make it to Books, Inc.

San Francisco Public Library – doesn’t really count as a rewards program, but it is convenient

Petco P.A.L.S. – we don’t really shop here anymore, but you never know

Elephant Pharmacy – of course, they closed the only location that was convenient for me shortly after I signed up

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