Random bits of life

Not even 1 week, and…well, I wouldn’t say I’m bored. Am bringing it on myself really because I am procrastinator extraordinaire! Seriously, there’s only so much I can do, right? I get tired after standing for too long and need to sit or lie down.

My last day at work was quite nice, my immediate department took me out to lunch – Mexican, of course – and presented me with a nice little gift card to Toys ‘r Us / Babies ‘r Us. Then a couple hours later, my higher up department, had a cake party for me: “german american” chocolate cake and a cheescake! I also got a nice little plant to take home – on my to do list, transplant the plants into pots.

Due to a shakeup in our schedules, Lucie has been and will be out with Tailwaggers everyday this week. I’m assuming she’s been to the beach the past 3 days because she comes home wet, dirty and extremely tired. And we all know that a tired dog is a good dog! 🙂

Chez Rebaud, phase 2

Progress on Jardin de Rebaud is coming along quite nicely. I couldn’t upload all the pix I took since they can’t be bigger than 1MB 🙁 but here are some pix of the cleaned up front and side yard…

side yard
Complete with rock garden. I kinda like the wagon in the front, but I think it belongs to the landscaper to cart rocks around. Note: this is NOT finished…

side yard2
Not the best pic – but amazing how much space there is after the massive clean up…


I’ll be at term this Saturday. From my last OB visit, I’ve got 9cm to go…(is that TMI?) I’m getting a tad bit anxious and sadly it just dawned on me that our little family of 3 is getting another member! (It takes me a while for things to sink in.)

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