Random bits of life

(Sorry, late to posting this.)

The Queen Bee No More


Friday the 13th (September) was Peanut’s last day at her preschool. Granted, she still has one more year of preschool, she’s been at her current school/day care since she was 8 1/2 months old! She’s the last of the “original crew”.

(I know that we’re not completely saying good-bye, Ringo will still be there, it’s still very sad. This mama has to come to terms that her baby girl is growing up.)

Knowing that this day was coming, I had plenty of time to think of a departing gift. I thought about making some sort of picture collage or something that involved her hand print. I was gearing toward the pictures because I could work in some sort of pictorial time line – photos of her from 8 1/2 months to today. After perusing the internets, I decided that a garden stepping stone would be a grand idea!

That was a couple months ago. I didn’t get around to buying the kit a few weeks ago and we didn’t break open the kit until earlier this week. Skimming the directions, I was worried that the stone wasn’t going to set as the weather hasn’t been providing ideal stone setting conditions lately.

After printing out photos of Peanut over the years, we broke out the cement mix. I told her that we were going to make a surprise for her teachers and that she shouldn’t say anything to them. To my surprise, she actually listened and understood when I told her not to say anything. So we mixed, we decorated, and we let it dry. The stone released from the mold perfectly and we let it sit outside overnight (was a bit smelly).

That morning as we were getting ready, discussing logistics with Peanut – as of late, she needs to go over who is dropping her off and who is picking her up – I told her we’d bring the surprise when we pick her up. Apparently, that was not acceptable. She was so excited and proud about her “surprise” she wanted to bring it to school – NOW!

Peanut 1, Mom + Pops 0

At drop-off, Peanut was quick to show off her gift. She even called over the little girl she usually ignores to come take a look her “surprise”.

The Final Product

That afternoon, The Husband and I, brought cupcakes to celebrate Peanut’s last day.

We arrived early in the afternoon to play with the other kids, take pictures, eat cupcakes, etc.

I was doing just fine…until we had to leave and say good-bye.

(note: the first day of school is tomorrow!)

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