Random bits of life

” Who to love and how to love should be up to the individual or the couple. Enough said!”

Marc Jacobs

Ecco Photo from Ecco.

For the longest time, Mads would only wear one pair of shoes. Though she ends up wearing the clothes what I choose for her, when it comes to shoes – if it’s not her Eccos, she adamantly tells me, “no.” Then proceeds to tell me again, “no no no no…” as I put on her non-Ecco shoes.

In preparation for our upcoming summer trips, I decided to buy her some sandals so her little toesies can breathe. We received them the other day just in time for the (more than) sweltering weather we’ve been having.


The Keds were a bit small – but really cute, so we’re exchanging them for a larger size. Again, I got the “no” song as I was having her try them on.


I also got her some water sandals, at D’s suggestion, for our Midwest trip in a couple weeks. Mads started with her “no”, but I distracted her with goldfish crackers and she forgot all about it. (Side note: As Uncle Matt found out last week, goldfish crackers are the way to Mads’ heart.) So, now, she’s literally stomping around in her Timberlands (geez, she’s a label whore in training) around the house and at day care, where they have been playing with agua the past few days.

Last two pairs of shoes from here.