Yup, S & I definitely have a poo factory on our hands. I’ll spare y’all the nasty details, but it is beyond me how babies can be (relatively) comfortable sitting in a dirty diaper. I know I’m putting these diapers on correctly, how come they leak from time to time? I had a little conversation with my cousin about this and all one can do really is just laugh about it. S wasn’t amused when I told him that my cousin had to cut the onesie off her baby it was that nasty. I think it’s pretty funny actually. 🙂
All’s well
Last Friday was Mads’ 1 month check-up…as of that Friday she was 8 pounds 12 ounces and 22 inches long. (I’ll get to posting the Mads-Lucie comparison picture by the end of the week.) Yes, she’s definitely growing. She’s already outgrown some of her jammies and fits into a tee shirt that’s labeled 3-6mo (which is labeled incorrectly, I think, because after I washed the darn thing, it looked tiny enough for a preemie).
We haven’t been up to much…outings to the dog park with Lucie, the occasional trip to the grocery store, DayOne, downtown, farmers market, etc.
Over the weekend, the Darlings invited us all over for a delicious dinner and to check out their new home (beautiful digs, btw). Aunt Katie couldn’t help herself and bought Mads THE. MOST. CUTEST. HALLOWEEN. COSTUME. EVER. I’ll keep you in suspense for another week or so, but it is TOO CUTE! And you know it’s adorable since our husbands were just rolling their eyes when she tried it on.
Here’s the cupcake wearing her cute denim overalls