Random bits of life

…and I have the best intentions of getting things done, but it’s just not working in my favor today. I planned on getting the montero washed and having the oil changed. Yup, not done. I wanted to buy a bunch of stuff on, but they’re not accepting payment in the form gift cards just yet (the wankers). I did get some laundry done, bought some stamps online and took Lucie out for a walk at Fort Funston. Yah, I accomplished nothing today – sigh.

Jardin de Rebaud is complete and we had our first BBQ in the new yard yesterday. Burgers, hot dogs, sausages, chicken and yet there were only 5 of us. Anyways…for a few “before” pictures click here. Below are some pix of NEW and MUCH IMPROVED yard!


A new pathway (above) at the side of the house leads to this…


…a nice lawn area…


…and a little plant / gravel area.


Entering the other side gate, takes you to the patio (above).


Another pic of the patio.

The yard seems just so much bigger now that we’ve utilized the space we had. Hopefully, SF will have it’s summer at the usual time (September / October) and we’ll be able to enjoy it even more. S & I had a feeling that this would be finished before peanut arrived.

Looking forward to the rest of the week – have a prenatal massage scheduled, housewarming and birthday parties, an OB appointment (where we will, of course, find out that nothing has changed – why break status quo?), and probably a manicure. S will probably start “working from home” later this week as we look forward to peanut’s arrival…