Random bits of life

So this past Friday was the peanut’s second photo shoot – a bit more involved than the first photo shoot 9 weeks ago. This appointment took longer than I had thought it would be – I think we got out of the hospital 90m later (after registering and taking a slight detour to the nursery).

A few days prior, S had been debating on whether we should find out what the sex of the baby is – so, before we got settled, I told the radiology tech that we didn’t want to know the sex…right? Right. So when time came to explore “the area”, she asked us to close our eyes / look away from the screen. Fortunately, she says that she didn’t “fight” to find out since we didn’t want to know.

Aside from that, peanut’s got 4 chambers in the heart, a spinal cord, 2 arms, 2 hands, a total of 10 fingers, 2 legs, 2 feet, a total of 10 toes (& other stuff they’re supposed to have, I’m sure), approximately weighing in at 9 ounces and is looking good. The MD commented on what a “beautiful profile” peanut has! (We couldn’t get a clear view of the brain because Peanut’s head is/was right below my belly button and the tech poked and prodded but Peanut wouldn’t budge – rather, there was leg movement and what looked like a “don’t-bug-me” punch.)

Pix from the photo shoot are posted on S’ blog here.
