Random bits of life

To answer a few questions…

[a] Unlike our wedding(s), we are not planning on having a baby shower in France. You’ll have to find another excuse for that vacation to Paris.

[b] We’re keeping the gender of the baby a surprise. Yes, I know that means we’ll have to make a double name list, but I’m sure that’s the least of our worries.

[c] I’m feeling just fine, aside from food aversions (mushrooms, pesto, roasted asparagus, to date), cravings for Egg McMuffins (or just food in general), a constantly bloated tummy, flatulence (and the other fun stuff that accompanies it), and ta-tas that have almost doubled in size, I am feeling just fine. 🙂

[d] Yes, I really am pregnant and am not “letting myself go”, as my mom had previously thought. (Gee, thanks!)

August is how many months away?

After my first prenatal visit when my ObGyn gave me the due date in August, it seemed so far off in the distance. Now, after breaking the news to people, August isn’t as far away I thought/hoped. This weekend, S & I are going to start window shopping for baby furniture and probably start making lists (yay! I LOVE making lists!) galore!

My family and friends that are new mommies are being a tremendous help by loaning books, giving me advice on taking leave (this whole disability / FMLA stuff is super confusing), what stroller / car seat to register for, double action breast pumps (S got a big laugh out of this one). It’s been great. My friend Dani had put together a general list of what she wished knew before, what’s she learned and what really works for her. To her list, I’m adding the advice I get from others and what actually works for me. I think it’s a grand idea and look forward to adding my 2 cents.