Random bits of life

…and got a nifty little sticker to wear on my sweater all day. Now all I have to do is sit back, *try* to relax, and hope and pray that everyone voted for Kerry/Edwards. ;o)

This morning also puts an end to all the mad voter registration drama that I’ve been dealing with.

It all started about a year ago before the Davis recall election. I was ashamed to say, that the dear city and county did NOT receive my updated registration as well as my absentee voter registration in time. So, Sylvain & I had to hear the shocking news that Ah-nold had been elected governator on the 2nd day of our honeymoon. (Maui, sigh…)

Since I wasn’t going to miss out on THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER!, I busted my butt to get registered under “Kelly Veronica Rebaud” @ our new address. However, my voter registration card came back (to the new address): KELLY VERONICA MURPHY. So, I called the DE and explained my case. They asked me to re-register with my new name, etc. Again, the card comes back: KELLY VERONICA MURPHY. So, I call the DE again. This time the woman says that I could’ve requested this change over the phone. (Can you sense my frustration? But, it doesn’t end there. Oh no.) So, sample ballots, voter guides, and absentee ballots are mailed out. Just take a wild guess who it’s addressed to?

So, I bring my ballot and ID and marriage cert to the DE to get a ballot re-issued (per what the woman at the DE told me) under my new name. To make this long story short – they were unable to re-issue a ballot for KELLY VERONICA REBAUD, I arrive at my polling place at 7.15a today for them to tell me that I am an “absentee voter”, I end up voting on a provisional ballot (will be counted tomorrow, rather than today) because I never received one in the mail, and now, like I said before, I am sitting back, *trying* to relax, and hoping and praying that everyone voted for Kerry/Edwards. ;o)

Go vote!